Damage Fix-cosmetic repair specialists 


Please find below some examples of repairs we have carried out.


Worktop repair

As seen in many homes, this is the black,white and grey specked kitchen worktop. A chisel slipped and took a chunk out of the worktop !


Worktop repair

Repair completed , as good as new again.

Laminate Floor repair

The sofa leg had a nail protruding, this had scratched and chipped the flooring extensively. The owner did not want to lift the whole floor up and fit it again, could we help?

Laminate floor repair part completed.

As you can see the left hand side has been completly restored, the right hand side is in the process of repair. Once completed the whole repair was invisible. We saved the client £460 !

Bath Chip repair

Substantial chip damage caused by shelf falling off the wall.


Bath repair completed

Repair completed - only visible when 2 inches away !